Turn to our team for the best window washing services.
At Resurrected Professional Services, we understand that maintaining a beautiful home is important to you, both inside and outside. When people look up at your Winston-Salem, North Carolina home, you want them to see a clean and bright exterior. If that’s not what they would see if they were to pass by your home right now, we can assist you. In addition to our house washing services, we offer window washing. In fact, window washing is included with any of our house washing services.
There might be many things plaguing your windows. Of course, dirt, grime, and spots are things you might be worried about, but mold, mildew, algae, and bacteria are contaminants to be concerned about as well for both aesthetic and health reasons. Luckily, our window washing techniques can remove any and all contaminants from your windows.
When we wash your windows, we use very little water pressure to avoid damaging them. Instead, we rely on water-based, biodegradable cleaning solutions that are specially designed to target organic buildup. That means that if your windows have mold, mildew, algae, or bacteria growing on them, we can remove these completely to leave your windows clear and spotless again.
We also understand that you might be worried about water spots returning after it rains. We offer a 7-day rain guarantee, meaning we will return to clean your spotted windows if it rains within 7 days after your initial window washing service. We also offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee, so please let us know if you aren’t happy with the service. We’ll make it right.
Contact us today for a free quote.
At Resurrected Professional Services, we offer window washing in Winston-Salem, Bermuda Run, Clemmons, Lewisville, Advance, Mocksville, Lexington, High Point, Greensboro, Thomasville, Kernersville, King, Pilot Mountain, Rural Hall, Mt. Airy, Ronda, and Wilkesboro, North Carolina.